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A person who is often described with such other terms as "dirty", "gay", "scum" and so on.

Generally pretends to like football in order to look like a "big man" or "sound c*nt" around his/her mates. The difficulty being of course that the team they support, Hibs FC, doesn't actually provide that service, preferring instead to provide their "fans" with a 90-minute horror show which showcases a lack of skill, talent and finesse.

Fortunately for the hibbies, they are usually so thick that they think they see flair, and they can continue their delusions of actually supporting a football team instead of watching an hour and a half long display of something which is a disgrace to all professional sport, not least the SPL.

Utterly failing over many, many years to win anything big.

A Hibs fan is more than often to be found hanging around the Leith area of Edinburgh, an area which is generally described as a "slum". After a hibby reaches a certain age, usually about 35-40, they will start to spend less and less time in the MFI flatpack stadium of easter road and more time on the benches on the streets of Leith, newspaper over the face, sleeping off that morning's superlager binge and soaked in their own urine/faecal matter like stanton.

girl :''who is that fat horribly ugly looking man/woman in that disgusting green top''

boy:''thats a hibby''

by adamisnumberone July 10, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


When You Run Into A Wall And Shit Yourself.

I Hibbised On Toms Wall.

by staygold678 May 19, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


There is only one of those in the world. It is said to exist in Egypt; and legends say that it is a female called "Farida". This Hibbies lives in a bubble of pink; thinks that she is a princess and when she swears she says "I swear to Rucifer" which indicates the weirdness of that rare creature. At night; Hibbies becomes a pink cat and roams the deserts of Egypt humping all other cats as the Hibbies is a sexual addict.

Person 1: "look, its a pink cat"
Person 2: "OMG! It's the Hibbies"
Person 1: "No no; that is only a legend"
Person 2: "I swear to Rucifer it's the Hibbies; even look it's humping another cat".

by The Superior 1 April 18, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


a thugsta's ambitions.. (H.I.B = Herb, Ice and Bullet.. a gangsta's tru loves)

yo this boy got tha hibby, he's living ghetto fabulous

by Illy September 4, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


DAoC character from the uber (but ultimately nerfed and underpowered) Hibernia realm

reality: 2fg of hibby's rvring in emain
BarrysWhine thread/ #celticfist moan (normally from alb scum): OMG there's a hibby zerg in emain at least 5fg

by Lloth July 24, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sound Lucy makes.

omg hibby!

by Ras August 28, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

hibbie jibbies

The "hibiby-jibies" is a phrase that means anxious/worried/(maybe) afraid.

bob: "hey fred wanna go to the haunted house this halloween?"
fred: "no way dude that place give me the hibbie jibbies"

by stephsaur;] December 30, 2011

160๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž