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Hide and seek

Osama Bin Laden's favorite game.

He's so good at hide and seek, the US military couldn't even find him after 7 years.

by derpderp1222 April 19, 2010

271๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hide and seek

When having sex and the girl is about to orgasm pu ur hands over ur face and pull the peek a boo in order to make he laugh while orgasming

She was riding me like a rodeo and I totally hide and seeked her ass

You should pull the hide and seek just to throw her off

He did the hide and seek it made me feel like a kid again

by Hathcock December 29, 2010

48๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hide and seek

1- a song everyone had to hear at least once by Liz Robbanet or something like that (i hate my spelling today)
2- A game little kids play and some adults with their kids.

1- Person 1: OMG have u heard the song Hide and Seek?!
Me: YASSSSS i saw it reacting to scp 173

2- Person 1: what were u doin yesterday?
Person 2: playing Hide and Seek with my dad
Person 1: but didn't you do that yesterday?
Person 2: yea its been 13 years and I still haven't found him. He's a rlly good hider :D

by Swapsansfan September 8, 2022

Hide And Seek

The game where 2 or more people play and one person countsdown and the others hide while the person tries to find them its also the game that me and my dad played before I never saw him again

Micheal: Yo where is your dad? I've never seen him here

Me: We are playing hide and seek hes in a good hiding spot

Michael: Weren't you playing hide and seek yesterday?

Me: Yea weve been playing for 13 years he's a really good hider

by Avatar Relief July 13, 2020

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's a game! You can play with 2 or more players.This is how you play:
First, pick someone to 'seek'.You can do this by flipping a coin if you are playing with only two players. If you are playing with three or more players, everybody will have to mutually decide who will seek,or you can draw straws. Next, the person who is the 'seeker' has to find a corner, cover his eyes, and face the wall and start counting (I recommend counting to 30,but you can also count to 45 or 100 if you want). While the 'seeker' is busy counting, the 'hider(s)' will hide. When the 'seeker' is finished counting, he will commence 'seeking' for the 'hiders'. The winner is the person who is found last in a hide-and-seek game of three or more, and the winner of a two-person game would naturally be the 'hider', no matter what, as he wins basically by default.

Oh, man! You've GOTTA play
hide-and-seek!It's really cool!

by Nastina August 30, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

hide and seek

to go somewhere and hope the person your hiding from doesn't seek out your hiding place.

hide and seek is where you hide from someone and hope that they dont try to find you

by skipping March 6, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


when u r fucking a girl/guy doggy style and u pull it out before u cum, then spit on her back and make her think it is cum, then shen she turns around, u skeet (blow ur load) in her face.

harder baby harder, uhh uhh (spit,spit), let me suck the rest of it out, ok. skeet, skeet, skeet in her face.

by nick hawker April 21, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž