The act of intentionally, maliciously, and unethically, screw someone out of compensation from rightful gains. It originates from the early days of film production when studios would use accountants to give credited actors/actresses and production crew the bare minimum amount of compensation based off of box office sales.
Actor 1: Hey, why did I only receive $15,000 for a key role in a film that grossed over $7,000,000!?
Actor 2: HA! Hollywood Accounting strikes again!
A series of shady, unconventional accounting practices Hollywood studios use to convert financial successes in the entertainment industry into financial losses. This is done to avoid paying taxes, royalties, and profit-sharing for a project.
"Hey Disney, this movie I starred in made over $1.3 billion at the box office. Why haven't I gotten any cut of revenue?"
"Oh, no one told you? That movie lost $23 million, we can't pay you anything."
"Hey, you were engaging in Hollywood Accounting, weren't you?!"