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Pronounced: HOL off day

1. Any day you have off from work and do not participate in, shop for, or visit, or travel for, because it is a Holliday you have off from work.

2. A day you stay home freed and disconnect from the circus of consuming and being consumed. A day to live life and be at peace, do nothing, and watch no TV. A day of quality nothing to do.

3. A day of true quality alone time, spent of being who you are with ease. guiltlessly unburdened by others need and requirements of you.

4. A free choice to be at peace with yourself and with the joy of reflecting life alone.

5. A day of quality nothing to do.

The Holiday came a great sigh of peace came, she silently laughed as the phone rang un-answered, and all she heard was how happy she was it was her Holoffday.

Everyone's an artist their Holoffday; she created time for a dream she never forgot.

by The I Do Not Know Show October 31, 2014