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A hoopster is an adolescent who sports the trendy nba retro basketball jerseys, for example: Carl Malone, Chris Mullin, Reggie Miller, etc. as a part of their hipster lifestyle. Hoops + Hipster = Hoopster

Hey brosef, look at that hoopster wearing a Dennis Rodman jersey!

Word dude.

by bennyhoops August 5, 2010

70👍 15👎


sneaky synonym for a whore. Possibly derived from the hoop earrings that hookers are known to wear.

Girl 1: Kelsey is such a total bitch
Girl 2: I know, what a hoopster!

by KChipster00 January 28, 2005

14👍 37👎


A term police use to identify a herion user.

We got us a Hoopster over here.

by ChristinaTrujillo17 November 9, 2015


Somebody who wears a retro basketball jersey in attempts of being ironic. This term is a branch of the original term, 'Hipster'.

Hoopster- "Bro, check out this new Vancouver Grizzlies jersey I got."

Guy- "Lol you are such a hoopster".

by Kirzz December 6, 2010

19👍 11👎


Girls (mostly hipsters) who take up hoola-hooping or "hooping" as a serious form of exercise, socialization, and popularity. They will follow hooping as a fad and "hoop" whenever there is a camera present, or when other "hoopsters" are hooping in public to show other people that they hoop. Overly sensitive and defensive when anyone other than them mentions the subject in a non-glamorous light.

"OMG that kid is SO amazing! SHE'S A MINI HOOPER!"


"Fucking hoopsters..."

by anon15378 August 26, 2011

10👍 14👎