To lift up a lover's eyelid and slide your tongue above and around their eyeball, into the socket.
I gave Tom a Hot Socket the other day, and boy was it salty!
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to perform a hot socket...first pop out the eye ball preferrably with a finger..then take a good shit in the eye socket...then of course fuck it
the bitch wouldn't show me her titties so i knocked her out with my shoe & gave her a fuckin hot socket
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Elderly Woman's Nether Regions.
Man, I can't believe I smashed Ethel's Dry Socket Hot Pocket when I got lit last night.
An older woman’s vagina.
You need some lube with Myrtle. That old bag has a dry socket hot pocket.
When smoking, the smoke can float up into the persons eye, causing the eye to sting. This instance is referred to as a Hot Socket
I was smoking the other day and got the worst Hot Socket. My eye was stinging for about a whole 2 minutes
When one takes a steaming shit in a sock, and hits someone in the face.
Guy 1: Hey, what happened to your nose?
Guy 2: I was hit with a hill billy hot socket