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Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

A sex position in which the women fucks a man, hard, as if she was a feline on a hot tin roof. real sexy like.

"Sweetie, lets now perform the act known as cat on a hot tin roof," cried Miguel.

by Busty St. Clare January 13, 2009

10👍 25👎

Cat on a hot tin roof

A sexual act where the male inserts a candle into his belly button and lights it as the female rides him frantically.

I thought your mom was kinda vanilla but she actually rides a mean cat on a hot tin roof.

by RiggsMurtaugh September 12, 2017

1👍 6👎

Two Skeletons Doing the Charleston on a Hot Tin Roof

Loud outrageous noisy. Annoying loud sounds coming from two or more people.

"Geez, you boys were louder than Two Skeletons Doing the Charleston on a Hot Tin Roof."

by Chuq Dawg February 10, 2007

15👍 4👎

hotter than a jacked off mountain lion on a hot tin roof

So extremely pissed off that your face turns red, smoke comes out of your ears and you go almost insane

Dave: Hey John what happened?
John: Bill took the last can of soup out of the cupboard.
Dave: That sucks.
John: Yeah, I was hotter than a jacked off mountain lion on a hot tin roof

by 1 redneck15 February 24, 2011

1👍 2👎

Hot tin

an abbreviation for "Hot Action", which is referenced when making a juicy bet

I'm up $1200 this week and am craving some Hot Tin to throw it on

by Snaplatts October 1, 2020