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So amazing it's indescribable with any other word.

In Undertale, this response gives you the most points on Mettaton's pop quiz. For some reason.

P1: I saw a real damn hot girl yesterday, I can't even find the words to describe her to you
P2: Hotfinenticute?
P1: Yeah you could say that

by annoying dog December 2, 2023


in undertale, the part of the mettaton battle where you have to write an essay you can write "HOTFINENTICUTE" to get 360 more rating points. "HOTFINENTICUTE" is a combination of hot, fine, enticing, and cute.

"LEGS" is the more commonly known one but only results in 350 more points.

mettaton: "write an essay lol"

frisk: "hotfinenticute"

by handle-i-hardly-know-her-le December 17, 2023


Something you use in mettaton ex fight to get the maximum amount of points in the essay

Why do you love most about mettaton?
(No x or z)

by ThisIsForFun May 22, 2024


An extremely flattering compliment that can be used to describe somebody or something as hot, fine, enticing and cute in one word.

ESSAY PROMPT: What do you love most about Mettaton? (No Z or X) I think he's hotfinenticute.

by HankBoiWasTaken April 22, 2024