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Hummus Economy

The hummus economy cynically refers to the economic situation in Lebanon, the country where hummus originated.

The hummus economy consists of the successive poor leadership that took Lebanon to an unparalleled economic recession that surged between 2019 and 2020. It has resulted from corruption and incompetence in the absence of the rule of law.

The expression insinuates amateurship in managing Lebanon where leaders have been historically busy by shallow matters distracting the Lebanese from what matters when it comes to inclusive and sustainable growth.

Q: What economic model fits Lebanon in recent years?
A: The economy in Lebanon is intricate and peculiar: one could call it the hummus economy.

El Hokayem, J., and Abou Jaoude, J. (2020), Leading by misleading in the hummus economy, Annahar.

by JHRLY October 26, 2020