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highly attractive; sexy; "bomb"

Janine is so humpable..

by Johnny Blaze April 26, 2003

33👍 6👎


n. Highly attractive; "fine." Typically said to express a desire to engage in sexual relations with.

Janine is mad humpable.

by CrunkDawg May 1, 2003

61👍 14👎

Humpable Nugget

A very attractive male or female that you would like to have sexual relations with.

Dammnnn, Megan is one fine humpable nugget! I'd ride that all night long.

by m_steph55 November 11, 2010

3👍 2👎


humpable can be used to describe a woman/girl. it is more defined as an “object” because you are humpable so you have no say on what happens.

humpable means olivia is beyond clueless that i do not care about her more than just an object

by your brother jesus January 10, 2019