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Someone who was meant to do great things but turns out to be a notorious disappointment.

Term coined after the character called 'Humperdoo' in the comic book 'Preacher' (as well as TV series of the same name.)

The character 'Humperdoo' is a genetically replicated descendent of Jesus Christ whom due to being cloned many times has become severely mentally disabled. Despite his obviously severe mental disability, he is regardless in line to become mankind's next messiah.

This is a debilitating disappointment for religious world leaders regardless of Humperdoo's amazing ability to soft shoe tap dance.

"Wow..those Crypto guys really ended up being full of shit...what a bunch of Humperdoos"

"I always thought Lisa Marie Presley would be a better singer because her dad was Elvis, but to be honest she's a bit of a Humperdoo.."

by JimTheGrim May 4, 2023