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A Scottish surname which English people NEARLY always spell wrong as 'Hutchinson'

'Good evening Mr. Hutchinson'
'It's Hutchison you daft cow!'
'I'm Sorry sir'
'Damn right! giving me one more chin than I own'

by Rev Boaby Balls July 10, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Elitist all girls school located in Memphis, TN, don't think of applying unless you make $5 million+ a year. Girls are generally more well-rounded than their closest rival St. Mary's and are sent here to be formed into Memphis's next A-listers. Given everything they ever could want or even dream of, they know no consequences as daddy fixes every little legal problem they could possibly and do encounter (after 5am Raiford's late night, no doubt). Known for its superior lax team and notorious party girls.

See: Cruel Intentions

Hutchison girl: "How can someone so charming be so manipulative?"

by thatmemphisish May 24, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


An all girls school where all the whores go for school to marry into money. They do a lot of bad stuff at all the parties. The class of 2024 is the worst class ever they all do drugs and drinks

Woah that girl goes to hutchison what hoes

by Juuldog July 23, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


an all-girl's private school known for both its intellectuals and its notorious party girls. Until around 8th grade, Hutchison girls are to be respectful and dignified. After that magical time, all hell breaks loose.

Also known as slutchison.

Didja hear about those hutchison girls?
ya maan. but i didn't just HEAR them...

by slutchison student October 14, 2006

111๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hutchison School

It's an all girls' school in Memphis, TN. Girls learn to have honor, integrity, respect, and many other descriptions. They learn to be good at debating, academics, arts, and sports. They teach college level classes.

Main rival: St. Mary's

You know she went Hutchison School when she goes to a college like Harvard or Rhodes.

Also, a Hutchison girl has become a doctor.

by jem123 January 28, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kate Hutchison

A big headed twat who smells like shit and likes smashing people into walls, she isnt cool or anything like that. Her phone goes off right next to the mic every 2 minutes which is annoying me, just saying

youre so kate hutchison

by lololoklolol October 16, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drew Hutchison

No words that can describe the motherfucking Blue Jays pitcher. He is the sexiest pitcher in the world. Not only he's so sexy but his amazingness is overrated and only lets 1 run per inning. He is outstanding. His stats online aren't that good (4.38 ERA) NOT TRUE! If you see him play, his ERA is totally less than that! About 1. We can't take our eyes off him. The Toronto Blue Jays are nothing without him and every Blue Jays fan will cry to death if he gets traded. God bless his parents to create this perfect and sexy human being. He is 100% badass and will kick everybody's motherfucking ass. He is the god. Even all the guys will be jealous of him because he's so good looking and they want to be as good looking as him. Whoever's making out with him is a lucky bitch.

Person 1: Hey! Drew Hutchison is pitching tonight!
Every Blue Jays fan: Dies of amazement and his sexiness...

by crij4ylimey13 September 21, 2014

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