something people say when something comes up and the person would drink to it, except they either don't have a drink or are under age.
Person 1: "i drink to that" by Rihanna would be an ironic song to get drunk to.
Person 2: heh yeah. i'd drink to that
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An expression used to signify the extreme hotness of a female.
dude#1:"Did you see Jessica Alba yesterday on the MTV Music Video Awards? She's so hot! I'd love to hit that!"
dude#2:"Hell ya! I'd drink her bath water!!!"
299👍 77👎
An impossible feat that is only attempted to prove to the farter, or on lookers, how attracted you are to said farter.
guy #1- Dude, Taylor Swift is fine.
Guy #2- yep
Guy #1- man, I'd drink her farts
2👍 12👎