Source Code


I don't really mind

"Hey what do you wanna do today?" "Idrm"

by TheXEffect October 13, 2013

76👍 14👎


idrm is a misspelling of, "idrk" which means "I don't really know." This misspelling came into play because the letters 'k' and 'm' are close to each other on most keyboards, making is irresistible for most fools to make the mistake.

"Dude, how do you do calculus again?"
"idrm man, idrm."

by KeepTheEarthBelowMyFeet September 14, 2013

4👍 79👎


It doesn't really matter

"I don't think you should wear that" "it's okay Idrm"

by Oreo_mofo December 2, 2015

28👍 8👎


Extended version of IDR, "I dont remember".

Tim: Where did you put the box of food.
Bob: Might be in the kitchen but idrm.
Tim: Damn that reads better than Idr...

by CrispieFemboi September 2, 2022

4👍 5👎