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A factory owner or other business person.

A factory owner is an industrialist.

by Jafje May 10, 2007

40👍 3👎


An anti-industrialist is against society being defend as an industry and also against people being defined as consumers. An anti-industrialist eats more from a traditional diet.

Those people living off the grid are anti-industrialist

by nomchomski June 13, 2013

3👍 2👎

Industrialist Rock n' Roller

Industrialist Rock n' Roller \in-DUHS-tree-uh-list rok-uhn-rohl-er\, noun:

1. A person who owns or is involved in an enterprise whose purpose is to produce a product of objective Value in the mindless void of the entertainment industry.

2. A person of or relating to the characteristics of a Russell Turner

Russell Turner, the Industrialist Rock n' Roller produced his debut album without regard to public opinion holding the value of his product as the highest virtue.

by the Industrialist September 15, 2009

Digital Industrialist

The modern era of industrial transforming our economy and infrastructure into digital asset vs physical assets.

Jeff Bezos became the wealthiest digital industrialist when Amazon transformed the brick and motor retail experience into a internet buying experience.

by BearofRobin August 12, 2021