Source Code


An inference based on the contents found in one's instant messaging buddy info.

i feel alive, i'm falling
we danced until the morning closed our eyes
i would love to stay here and never have to go
and no one in the world would ever know

-This is a typical style of away messages frequently used in today's instant messaging scene- the 'Emotional Song Lyric' away message. From the lyrics in this message the reader could possibly assume that the writer is trying to communicate a feeling of love or interest in another person whom they suspect might see this message.

When to use:

"Hey Jim! I saw yesterday in your info that '1000 nights could not be as black as your heart,' Is everything ok with your girlfriend?!" asks Scott.

"No Scott," explains Jim, "We are going through a rough time; good inforence!"

by Casey Fitz June 12, 2006


infore - A word blocked from usage in MSN nicknames for no apparant reason.

What am I infore?

by Perplexed April 2, 2003

3👍 8👎


2 things:
1: The ign (in game name) of a really sweaty player in Hypixel who has a friend list that consists of players on Hypixel with a network level of at least 100.
2: The protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information.

Example 1:

Player 1: dang that player is really sweaty
Player 2: Maybe he's Infority

Example 2:

Person 2: It must have infority

by Infority November 12, 2021


Useless information, or a bunch of shit, that no one cares about. Most of the time performed by a speech impaired douche bag.

Shea - Did you know that wacecaw spewed backwawds is wacecaw?

Robert Kirk - That's some infor-shea-tion for you.

by douche central April 3, 2008

Infor Orni ment

a established drug dealer that is also a snitch or informant; a drug dealer who conspires and cooperates with local police; sells the police's drugs and/or police allow to sell drugs ; a person who gathers information about their friends/associates or strategically befriends people with ill will or bad intentions. A street pharmacist that reports their customer's scheduled activities, future/scheduled purchases, associations and locations to set them up for the police to investigate and/or eventually bust. a stipulated agreement between a criminal and law enforcement usually in exchange for immunity or amended sentencing.
A decoration; pronounced: infor-ni-mint

He said, "don't worry bro, i've known her for years. You can trust her"
His buddy replied, "idk man. i can't help but to notice a pattern. EVERYBODY that is around her or associates with her ends up getting popped. but she NEVER goes to jail and she is the one with the bag! Are you sure she isn't a

Infor Orni ment?

by BCakez March 16, 2022