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iron shirt

A bulletproof vest.

"I'm gonna put on an iron shirt, and chase Satan out of Earth" - Max Romeo

by Hi-Hat February 22, 2011

39👍 16👎

Iron shirt

An Iron shirt is a shirt made of iron, there was a superstition that iron could drive away evil spirits, people used to carry iron in their pockets. In the reggae song "Chase the devil" by Max Romeo he sings about this.

" Why did he put on an iron shirt?"

"Because Iron drives of evil spirits."

by Sunshine of your love May 28, 2020

8👍 2👎

Ironic Tee Shirt

Trendy tee-shirt with humorous, ironic or clever slogan or image.

They tend to be funny the first time you see them, but they are so popular that they are getting played.

Dude, take off that "Vote for Pedro" shirt. That Ironic Tee Shirt was funny like 4 years ago.

by 07079 January 23, 2009

34👍 12👎

Iron My Shirt, Bitch

A banner best held up at a Feminist rally.

"Women are People, Too!" - Banner
"Men are Pigs!" - Banner
"Iron My Shirt, Bitch!" - Banner near the back

by Bastardized Bottomburp November 1, 2003

901👍 106👎