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Istria is a region in Western Croatia, south western Slovenia, while a much smaller portion of Istria is also a part of Italy to the south of Trieste (Trst). Istria is also the largest peninsula in the Adriatic region. The region was named after an ancient people known as the Hstri. Istria was centuries under the rule of other foreign empires, (notably the Roman Empire, Venetian Republic, the Hapsburg Empire after the Napoleonic wars and Italy during the world wars) until it was recently incorporated by Tito's regime into Yugoslavia after WWII. Since ethnic censuses have being taken as recently as under the Habsburgs, the region always had a Croatian majority, or at least a plurality before most Italians (who are btw many of (not all) of them were imported colonists) fled the region like the cowards they really are after WWII.

Since the advent of Democracy to Croatia, Istria has being a source of electoral annoyance to President Dr Franjo Tudjman and his HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) fearing that the main regionalist and liberal IDS may further undermine the territorial integrity of Croatia, especially since a third of Croatia was already under Serb occupation. Many Istrians, (including Istrian Croats) consider themselves Istrian first, then Croatian second which is kinda disturbing considering how some of Croatia's neighbours pry for her territory. Due to the popularity of the IDS, Istria County is also the only county in Croatia where two languages are on equal footing. Unfortunate as that situation is, the region is also known as the "Tuscany of Croatia". Istria is also renown for its' great people, great food and a magically picturesque scenery.

The largely southern portion of the region was assigned to Croatia, while the northern portion was awarded to Slovenia based on the ethnic composition of the peninsula. Istria is also currently a flashpoint of a border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia. Those bitches (Slovenes) are actually like Serbs (mountain chetniks) are envious of us Croats and are greedy for more Croatian land, while crying that Croatia is denying them access to the sea. Never mind that International law is on Croatia's side and the Slovenes even refused impartial international arbitration. The bastard Slovenes even took advantage of their temporary position in the EU presidency to settle their score with Croatia.

Have you being to Istria before? Boy was it great! That part of Croatia also felt like you're in Italy, with all those bilingual street signs, where there are some local Croats who are even fluent in Italian. Too bad many Istrians don't feel like as though they belong to the rest of Croatia. It also feels like Quebec in a way.

by Super Sayan Kurac April 25, 2008

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