Internet persona known for being a mystery albeit notorious criminally versatile street kid. part time rapper and tik toker (@juniortrooper69)
junior b is a kid with an enigmatic yet troubled past and seeks unknown pleasures in life even at the expense of everyoneβs safety and ethics
Junior b is almost always trouble and thrives off the suffering of others but downplays his malevolent nature
Girl 1: I love you
Junior b: I know, I love me too
Girl 1: ugh
The reason junior b exists is still unknown yet known, he serves a purpose despite being chaotic and anti society.
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"Yo Mark, did you pass the drug test?"
"Nah bud, too much time out in the boonies ripping Junior B"
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The junior B grade is more than just a grading system in hurling and peil in Ireland, it's a way of life for many.
Often played with the bare minimum of talented players. The majority dying from the heavy session from the night before.
The age limit exceeds 50+.
In hurling it's not usual to come out with a broken leg as it's Junior B after.
Win or lose in Junior B it's mere tradition to Sup (have few pints) after every game.
It also not uncommon to have a half time fag whilst the selector would be questioning his decision to show up.
Winning county in junior B is a dream every man wishes to achieve in his such short playing career.
The pints had after will stay long in the memory of every junior B player
Philip: Hey man you around later?
Jimmy: Ya why?
Philip: We've junior b game later and well we've only 11 players. You tog out for us??
Jimmy: Ya course man! Anything for junior B! Few pints before it?
Philip: The team talk is being held at the pub so of course.
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