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Boys with the name #jameir are #verysmart,#kind,#loyal,#cute,and is #notselfish loves spending time with #family always has a #girlfriend or 2 and always seem to fall in love with girls names that start with #A,J,D,andZ.

#jameir is a great person if you know anybody named #jameir you should go out with him or be great friends with him.

by 332211 December 17, 2019

6👍 1👎


Jameire has an agglomeration of mood swings, but once you get on her friendly level she can become a very loyal, caring friend. She loves to dance but basically loves music period (all genres). She absolutely LOVES to eat, but never can seem to gain a pound. Jameire is also a pretty funny person, and will have you dying laughing all the time. Her confidence level goes up and down but she doesn't know she's the most gorgeous person ever! She has very high maintenance & loves to keep herself lifted, as well as others. She can be very sheltered at times but is always there when you need her. And dont ever try her, she's a ticking time bomb ready to blow.

Who's that ? she's pretty quiet. Oh her, thats Jameire she's so fun to be around!

by Anonymousperson333 March 6, 2017


Jameire is a smart,pretty girl she's very nonchalant but cares alot! Always will be there when you need her. Has a good heart but others before her happiness! Something will be wrong and she won't say nothing.She keeps things bottled up, so much to where she could break.Kenzie is way too good for all the boys out there, so if you happen to be lucky enough to snag a Jameire you better realize how dang lucky you are! Jameire has a big heart and loves to make friends.

who is your best friend she's pretty? oh her name us jameire

by anonymous246896 April 3, 2022


The most perfect boyfriend in the whole world. He will love you and be loyal forever. He will treat you right and always be there for you no matter what. He will love you till the moon and back so you better love him the same way

Person: "Hey, who's you're super nice and kind boyfriend?"

You: "Oh, that's Jameir!"

by hearts4frankie May 30, 2022