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Group of gods that ruled the Javasmic Civilization from 36000BC to 2000BC. There were a total of 426 gods that ruled the Javasmic civilization and kept it hidden from the rest of humanity. The earliest god recorded was given the name "Justice" by modern archaeologists for his strong sense of justice and fairness. The strongest of the gods was named "Ulcers", who was known for having strength comparable to 10,000 men. The worst of the gods was called "Grengnes", who almost caused the fall of the Javasmic civilization due to his despicable nature and lack of responsibility. The last god to have ruled the civilization was named "Bubtard". He was known to be very easy to get along with compared to the other gods and was also the most "humanlike". The civilization disappeared during Bubtard's rule and the cause is still unknown. It was stated in old recordings that Bubtard will "rise" again in the 15th Century but he is still nowhere to be seen. The lack of worshippers left alive may be the reason why he couldn't rise. Bubtard is rumored to be hiding in a country in South East Asia, where a small group of descendants of the Javinians is supposedly residing at.

The Javasmi gods were all powerful in every way one can think of being.

by JoeTheThotDestroyer January 12, 2021