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Jeez, It's a lion

Famous last words of Jubal Arkansaw Dummann. Also where the name of the famous snack "Jeez-Its" come from.

Dummann also coined "Are you nuts?" Which then led to Planters.

F in the chat for Jubal Arkansaw Dummann bro.

"The Jeez, It's a lion" man had the IQ score of a rock but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
The volcano just erupted but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm going to get sued by Kellogg but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I'm about to be beheaded via guillotine but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
My house was just raided by the FBI but at least I have my Jeez-Its.
I have been sent back in time to the stone age and cavemen are beating me up with clubs but hey at least they aren't taking away my Jeez-Its
My house literally fell apart but at least I still have my Jeez-Its
I have ran out of Jeez-Its.
Now I have no meaning.

Jeez-Its: The Snack That Pays.

by IntergalactalEnergy July 20, 2023