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a black Jewish person, or a Jewish negro

person A: my rabi's a jegro
person B: that sucks man

by ((anonymous)) April 21, 2006

28👍 14👎


A less offensive way to say negro.

What up jegro?!

What the jegro!?!?

by Tyrone Jiggadubz August 8, 2005

15👍 20👎


noun: a white person; similar to jigsie

What's up jegro.

by Your mother January 2, 2004

6👍 17👎


The highest level of staff who exerts power towards everyone

A discord admin

The Jegro is abusing his power by banning everybody from the server he dislikes.

by urbanv2 July 24, 2021


noun. Masturbating

-lution: the act of masturbating while bored
-late: saying it in a sentence

"I was home alone, so i felt like jegrolating"

by cooldudewhomakescoolwords October 29, 2011

3👍 4👎


Short for Jigger Shop. It is play on the word Nigger and Negro.

Lets go get Mango Tangos and the Jegro

by ted April 29, 2005

4👍 18👎