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The name of a girl who is wonderful, talented, and unique. Despite her brusque appearance, she is actually very sweet and caring. Seeing her smile will put you on top of the world.

There is also a flower called the jessamine, but don't be fooled; no plant could ever be as beautiful as she.

I can't believe I'm lucky enough to know a girl like Jessamine. She's simply the greatest.

by Sherlock Thor February 4, 2010

138👍 21👎


The most passionate and the baddest gyal you'll ever come across. Doesn't like small talk and would rather dive into the meaning of life and its dark secrets even though it's the first time you're meeting her. Loves to explore the world and learn. With so many ideas and projects on her mind, she is unable to focus her energy on one task. She will fight for what she believes in until she gets what she wants.

-Yoooo, do you know who was the baddie we saw studying at the library the other day?
-Yeah, her name is Jessamine. Don't get involved with her unless you want something serious. I heard she's only interested in people who are able to talk about anything and everything.

by yung_trappzz November 25, 2021

east jessamine middle school

East Jessamine Middle School was founded by nazis. its in hell but hell is shaped like a kentucky hole thing in that place thats like under canadad.It is run by drill sargent bill who is evil & fingers children named freddy. he picks it. he blows it.DSB (drill sargent bill) sucks (it) & after a hard days work of blowing/fingering children he goes 2 ur house & does ur mom. and then your sister. & sometimes the family pet. but if your lucky he just gives you a lolly pop. Strangers have the best candy though, not dsb. it will all be over soon, my pet, cause soon all the children will unite against dsb as like 800 or so kenny mcCormicks and like die and then he wont hav freddys to finger so he can die cause he will no longer hav a purpose in life.

sarah can type in the dark. because she learned it at ejms.

by agent smith July 3, 2004

8👍 35👎

West Jessamine High School

The most public private school in the country. The people are there are either poor as shit or the richest in the county. East Jessamine on the other hand is gross, moving on from them tho, West is just a public private school with a bunch of weird ass nerds and rich ass dick heads, no real in between. Also theirs a race war between weird dog furry liberals and cousin fucking conservatives that rev their loud ass trucks at 8am while sitting next to a person with pink hair and a dog collar with a honda civic.

West Jessamine High School is the richest public school in america!

by anonymouswestkid November 27, 2021