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A fun person to be around. Usually has a looks like something is wrong with her but she is generally a happy person. Jessyca's are always laughing for no reason and make other around them laugh. Jessyca's are beautiful people inside and out.

Dang i wish i was a jessyca

by Kemiztre March 14, 2017

55πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Jessyca is a rare species among the world today, having only a similar sounding name to the predecessor "Jessica", but containing a completely different character all-together. The Jessyca is a kind-hearted woman with love, passion, and a caring heart, but be wise not to cross her, as she has the ability to be the kindest of all creatures, and the most ferocious.

Jessyca loved each and every one of her friends, and had no enemies... as they had all gone missing.

by SongOfAPeach February 3, 2010

159πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


An unique name only given to those whose parents are smart enough to be creative. People with this name are extremely successful and overwhelming beautiful. Simply put, those called Jessyca are amazing.

Wow, look at Jessyca, she's amazing!

by The JessYca February 3, 2010

105πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


She is an amazing friend with a big , kind heart . She would give you the shirt of her back and because of this she gets taken advantage of . Despite the size of her heart it is easily broken . She is extremely firey for such a small person and needs a good man to protect and tame her . If your lucky enough to find her don't ever let her out of your sight because you will never find another one .

That girl is the whole package she must be a Jessyca

by Luscious Linda April 6, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Can’t swallow food unless it’s been blended or chewed for her. Has a unique talent of creating a bouquet of leaf nooses. Heavily suicidal which is a shame because we need this bitch alive. Piercing blue eyes that look like tiny circle sky’s. Cute when drugged up and it’s late at night. Tells the same three stories on repeat due to her lack of life experience. Laughs at your jokes no matter how bad they are. Looks terrifying but is really just terrified of you. Can Hotwire a car but looks away at kissing and sex scenes in movies. Overall a Fucken hell of a person that you’d be lucky to know and gives me a reason to stay in the psych ward. Stay alive for me because nobody laughs at my jokes and genuinely pretends to enjoy my company

Jessyca means gods gift

by Acuteshortass February 6, 2022


Name of a girl addicted to alcohol, drugs and sex. She'll brainwash you for nudes and will cheat on you multiple times no matter how good you are to hear. You can give her the world she'll do what's possible to get you to commit suicide.

My friend: Hey, do you know how Jessyca is doing?

Me: No, and I don't want to hear about that whore anymore.

by Deroster February 16, 2020

2πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž