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Jigyashree is a very kind and childish person you'll ever meet, she is very loving and sweet. If jigyashree is one of your friend then you are very lucky. Jigyashree is very curious to know and learn new things

Jigyashree is the most sweetest person you will ever met!

by HeheAluthegreat November 23, 2021


The name " Jigyashree " has a very deep meaning. It is a hindu girl name. It means the "curiosity to know something ". Numerological the lucky number for this name is 8. Jigyashree means power, caring, loving, leading,trustworthy, strong, independent, Loves to love others. As a friend Jigyashree is very trustworthy and surrounded with positivity. She loves to make others happy.

You're blessed if you have jigyashree as a friend in your life.

by @stranger November 24, 2021