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really cool nickname, if you are a joja you have to be a great person. Everyone loves a Joja

1- She was so nice!! What's her name?
2- Oh i don't know but everyone calls her Joja
3- She's so Joja

by Tomateperita February 8, 2018

5👍 2👎


An association that we could compare to satan.

Joe: Yesterday i went to a café, the manager was mean to me.

Mami: You mean Starbuck ? Yeah that place is so Joja

by Cherrysoup April 22, 2020

2👍 1👎


Joja refers to an extremly good player at any game that you could think of.
Also he's the best at anything else.
Joja is a famous gamer in germany.

Joja he is so fucking good at (enter_random_game_name).

by Yerag June 1, 2018


The main antagonist of the game Stardew Valley, a large corporation probably drawing inspiration from Amazon and Walmart. Still better than Pierre.

"Hey, I'm heading to Jojamart, do you want anything?"
"Fuck no, that place is trashy."

by Yetch_ January 23, 2022