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The act of forcefully sticking an object such as a finger up ones anus, usually against the receivers will.

I am going to jumba you so hard
Tom just got jumba’d

by KeithIsMyIdol June 25, 2019


A person with a voracious appetite.

He had 1.5 cheese burst pizza, 1 ltr coke, 500gm of curd, 7 rotis, 1 glass of lassi, 200 ml slice and was still hungry. Seriously, what a Jumba!!!

by suyashkmr December 22, 2011

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A word to describe an unborn female baby in the first to third trimester.

Jumba, daddy luvs you.
How are you doing jumba?

by Tadowta January 3, 2006

57πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


1) verb (transitive or intransitive): to sing along with a song (with the words or music) using the word "jumba."

Jake: "When the pimp's in the crib ma,

jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot,

when the pigs try to jumba you

jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot,

and if a jumba get an attitude

jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot, jumba like it's hot.

I got the jumba on my arm and I jumba Chandon

and I jumba jumba jumba jumba jumba jumba jumba."

Alice: "Way to jumba that song, loc."

Jake: "I love to jumba, dode."

by Doctor Tronik May 23, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1) adjective: thoroughly and usually unbelievably awesome; the embodiment of all that rocks worlds.

2) adverb: an expression of affirmation, used in the same way as word.

3) interjection: used to express pleasure, delight or amazement, often at something gloriously magnificent.

Jake: Last night when we were playing Rock Band I totally got a perfect on every single guitar solo I played, and I was even playing on expert. It was so jumba, dode. I totally rolled that shit in style.

Alice: Dude, friggin' jumba! You've been practicing it a lot, yeah?

Jake: Jumba, bro.

by Doctor Tronik May 23, 2010

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


ben and bobby and hunter ate food

they ate there jumba

by d@nielman October 28, 2008

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Jumba January

Where boys and girls go around and use the art of Jumba on each other.

I am going to jumba you so hard, because now it’s Jumba January!

by Mr.Blackman1908 October 7, 2020