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1. (Verb) Having sex with someone that is unconscious..... doing a Kami-Kozby

2. (Noun) A drink. A predatory drink. A very potent knockout drink. Potent beyond potent... except not lethal. Similar to the mixed drink, the 'Kamikaze', but 10 times the strength. A Kami-Kozby mixed properly; the victim will pass out, become groggy and lifeless and renders them totally vulnerable. The victim should, or will have no memory or recollection of what took place while under the influence of a Kami-Kozby.
3. (verb/adjective) Career suicide.

1. " He must have done a Kami-Kozby on her."
2. " I'll order her a Kami-Kozby and I'll do whatever I want for the rest of the evening."
3 He did a Kami-Kozby to his career."

by Johnny / -the Random Prophet December 28, 2018