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Know me

A term used when someone is particularly proud of her accomplishments. Another version meaning the same thing is the phrase "Know the girl." While the phrase is specific to females, it may also be used by homosexual males who feel particularly inclined.

Etymology: originates from the song "NoMEE" by TOB. Due to poor education, most people writing out the phrase have assumed that the spelling is "know me" instead of "NoMEE" as original to the song found on Youtube.

"I just blew 5 guys behind the gas station last night. Got 5 dollars a piece for it. Know me!"

"Look at my new hair gurrll, just bought it at the beauty shop down the street. This shit look good right? Know the girl!"

by Englishteach. November 16, 2012

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I Know Me

I know who I am.
When one doesn't need any reassurance in knowing who they are. When one is confident with themselves and are sure of themselves.

Example 1
That guy thinks he knows me, only I know me.

Example 2
Insulting me will make you feel better about yourself, I understand that, but only I know me.

by confidenceconfident February 22, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

You don't know me

"You don't know me" is an incredibly brilliant statement that you can resort to when Mr. Jack Daniels is making it harder for you to say things that make sense.

Cop: Sir, have you been drinking tonight?
Me: You don't know me.

by S4lutDude! December 29, 2010

160๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

You know me man

Word used to respond when someone notices you accomplish something

Damnn you makin moves I see,
You know me man

by Lamarvista December 4, 2019

you don't know me!

The famous line on Jerry Springer, Maury, etc.

Jerry: Let's bring out the fat and ugly sluts!


Sluts come out screaming, "You don't know me! You don't know me!" while audience is booing with disgust.

by Carlito October 7, 2004

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y'all don't know me

A way one can dismiss concerns and/or animosity others have towards them. Can refer to practically anything, but usually is reserved for illicit or illegal things.

Moneesha: "I'ma have sex with whoeva I want! It don' even matta!"
Tyra & Monique, Moneesha's Friends: "You need to stop Moneesha! You're going to end up dead or with a disease. We're really worried about you."
Moneesha: *waiving hands and pointing fingers* "Whateva! Whateva! Y'all don' know me! Y'all don' know me!"

by ACG2x September 29, 2004

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Well, You Know Me...

Reflects personal opinion, but should be used when a conversation should end, or a topic should be changed. Should be followed by a sip of a beverage.

Jim: But you like every Led Zeppelin album
Clarence: Well, you know me.................................So yeah, I saw Tina yesterday.

by Anthony S August 27, 2005

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