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Key Performance Indicators

Dude, Assistance isn't one of my KPI's.

by Puonz February 29, 2012

42👍 1👎


KPI (Key Party Indicator) Defines the quality of a party, measured on the metrics price/time/fun

This party has the best KPI ever

by funfacefannis February 22, 2019

6👍 3👎


the word meaning "kill preps international"

join kpi today!!!

by unknown April 22, 2004

12👍 33👎


Jargon for Kool Penis Index

A: He was definitely looking at my KPI
B: What the hell is a KPI?
A: He was checking out my metrics

by damn69 May 18, 2024

Kpi Retard

Someone who will deliberately put themselves and others in harms way so they can get as many totes as possible, so the company will give them a kiss on the cheek and a blowjob

Fucking hell this kid is such a kpi retard

by I hate kpi retards November 19, 2020

1👍 8👎