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Female name, generally used to describe an artistic, free spirited, nerdy, open minded, amazing girl. She is one badass mofo.

Kaleena, though awesome, needs to send me my photos.

by KlaxonSong April 24, 2009

321👍 131👎


1.if tsaqif were bill clinton kaleena would be her monica
2.a nice kind girl who always falls for the wrong man
3.a person thats good at singing but too shy to sing

shes just another Kaleena.

by tottallynotastudentfrommentari March 23, 2017

13👍 9👎

Kaleena Higby

Kinky hot bitch who is also very creative.
Watch out she might peg you...

Kaleena Higby took me last night, it was amazing!

by Dethbool January 13, 2022

3👍 3👎

Kaleena Higby

A girl who might seems a little rude at first but after getting to know her, you learn that she's a beautiful amazing kind hearted girl who just has trouble trying to fit in.

Kaleena Higby is very pretty on the inside and the outside.

by Dethbool January 9, 2022

2👍 2👎


a girl that acts REALLY REALLY REALLY gay but tells everyone shes straight,shes funny, loud, smart and confidant. she has trust issues and its really hard for her to open up and because of that she comes of as a mean person once you get to know you will start to see the kind hearted and lovable person she really is if you ever become friends with her you will be held close to er heart but once you break her trust you will never get it back.

hey have you seen kaleena
person: oh that rude girl over there

no shes no rude shes actually very sweet you just got to get to know her

by euphonious March 30, 2023