It’s a simpleton and Kamala Harris supporter. These people can’t site one of her policies or describe why they are voting for her besides she’s a woman, her race and not Donald Trump . If these voters are men their wives definitely run the households . A person literally so simple minded they believe the border crisis doesn’t exist . The same people are OK with a candidate that didn’t win the 2024 primary and got less than 5% of the vote in the 2020 primary. These people disliked her before the debate now claim she’s the best thing since boner pills !! The mainstream media feeds into Kamalatons with anti trump rhetoric and not asking unscripted or tough questions in interviews. The word salad’s spewed from her lips only worsens the brain power in the one track minds of vote blue no matter who simpletons. These sheep people don’t believe approval ratings that claim she’s the worst VP in history. The same people used to be Bidenton’s but turned to Kamalatan’s because their Matlock look alike president has a brain similar to Dinty Moore . They frequently use terms like “ you’re voting for a felon “ yet she frequently let her mentor diarrhea straight through his depends . The worst flaw would be believing the “ drunk mom wino” could put into place world leaders like Putin ! When she can’t even put her own husband the possible 1st First Gentleman.
That Kamalatan thinks the stock market crash can be unburdened by what has been .
The Kamalatan thinks by the conflict in the Middle East will significantly change from the passage of time .
Wow that Bidenton turned into a Kamalaton because the liberals told them to!
Kamalaton’s will vote for anyone liberal because they will not mean tweet !