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An awesome young lad who is extremely cool to hang with and is super cool.

Dude you're cool as Kamerin.

by xD777 April 7, 2012

67👍 17👎


A very pretty lady and extremely fun to hang Around has your back on anything,if she sad she won’t show it but she will make sure everyone happy

Kamerin nice lady

by Happy birds June 18, 2018


Kamerin is pretty funcking sexy and funny as fuck. But don’t be fooled, he’s a heartbreaker and the biggest cheater you’ll ever meet.

When we go out kamerin always has to talk to the girls everywhere we go.

by Merisasigler November 23, 2021


Kamerin is pretty sexy. But don’t be fooled by him, head a cheating heartbreaker. Watch yo back.

Kamerin loves to talk to all the girl anywhere he goes.

by Merisasigler November 23, 2021


An handsome young man who stays to himself and goes and get it

i wish i was as cool as kamerin

by caron is grash November 21, 2021