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The male analog of Karenazi

A compound word comprised of Kevin and nazi. Replace all instances of "Karen" with "Kevin" (and alter gender-specific pronouns as needed) below to respect male gender identity of someone exhibiting the described behavior.

Karen is a term colloquially understood to refer to an individual who incessantly complains to any level of authority available. "Karens" are known to ask to speak to the manager under any and all circumstances. "Karens" will call the police if you refuse to show her the deed to your home when you're hosting a BBQ in your own damn backyard.

The addition of "azi" turns a regular Karen into a final boss Karen. A young Karenazi in training will rat out her parents to the authorities.

Kevinazi is going to call the coronacops on us if we don't stand more than six feet apart.

by Princess MoMo April 22, 2020

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