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to kingham somebody, when the said person is sucking your penis you pull out and ejaculate into their eyes blinding them, then you shit all over their chin before whipping back round to piss in their hair and kick them in the nose breaking it...to finish off a kingham shove a nine inch kitchen knife into their intestine and rip it out with your teeth and then of course finish off and fuck off out of there, but remember to act grumpy...

"I was shagging a beasley last night and she farted so i pulled a kingham on her...." Mr Kingham

by jibran hates kingham May 4, 2007

21👍 15👎

alfie kingham

the king of ham

this guy is alfie kingham

by Max Mckenzie February 18, 2017


To remove excess beer foam by swiping it with your sausage

I think the bar keep just gave me a Kingham

by Bogan#4 July 14, 2022