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The prettiest girl you've ever seen with eyes you can lose any semblence of words in besides thinking "shes beautiful". You can talk to her effortlessly for an infinite amount of time even thought it only feels like a second has passed. With a smile so breath taking there is nothing u wont do to be able to see it again and again. Shes the smartest and most determined person you'll ever know whether she improves herself or helps the people around her you cant help but feel in awe of how amazing she is. She motivates you to be a person who is worthy of her. I hope to be even a fraction of the type of incredible human being she is and even if im in her shadow all my life ill be grateful that ill always be close to her. Shes cute too ig 🙄

Krissy-anna you are my sun, my stars and my moon. ily

by herlove💜 November 20, 2023