Kryslin is a smart and sweet girl. She is shy at first but once u get to know her she is fun and energetic. Kryslin comes from the goddess of love. She is kind but rude at times. Very few people are born with this name. If u ever meet a kryslin be sure to keep her. She is normally short and skinny. She isn’t quick to fall in love but wants others to. She is helpful and grateful. Everyone needs a kryslin in their life. If I ever meet one be sure to keep her. Kryslin’s can be rude and don’t like it when u mess with her friends. A kryslin will stick up for anyone. She is beautiful but she doesn’t see herself like that. Make sure that if u meet one to be nice to her. Or u may just need to run!
“Wow,Kryslin is super kind!”
“Why is she so rude?!”