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Abbreviation of Lakhs per Annum. A common term used to identify salary/income in lakhs(1,00,000) over a period of one year.

Shyam: What package did the company offer you?
Ram: 12LPA.

by smol brain BIG PP January 16, 2021


AKA. Liquid Party Ass. A form of liquid human waste produced after a hard night of drinking and partying.

Wow. I drank way to much draft beer last night and now I have LPA.

by El Pibe July 31, 2009

16👍 7👎


Luh Pretty Ahh

Walk pass luh vibe no matter wat u say end it off wit luh pretty ah

by the rockstart April 9, 2022


The loli protection association

"don't lewd that loli or I'm calling the LPA"

by Unburnable Trash March 9, 2018