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A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension.

There's no derogatory label for people who label others. This creates an imbalance in the linguistic arsenal. Example:

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "Oh yeah? Well, you're...a...person who assigns labels that are not sensible!"

See what I mean? It's like being in a stick fight and not having a stick. But we can fix that by concocting a...wait for it...label for labelers. I suggest that such a person be called a labelass. Example:

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."

Person 1: "What just happened here?"

by Labelass March 31, 2011

5👍 1👎


A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension

There's no derogatory label for people who label others. This creates an imbalance in the linguistic arsenal. Example:

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "Oh yeah? Well, you're...a...person who assigns labels that are not sensible!"

See what I mean? It's like being in a stick fight and not having a stick. But we can fix that by concocting a...wait for it...label for labelers. I suggest that such a person be called a labelass. Example:

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."

Person 1: "What just happened here?"

by hitbyirony March 29, 2011

1👍 1👎


A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension. Coined by Douglas Adams.

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."

Person 1: "What just happened here?"

by phikappa March 29, 2011

2👍 1👎


A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension. Coined by Dilbert creator Scott Adams on his blog to provide a derogatory label for people who label others

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."

by Sir Yelof March 29, 2011

1👍 2👎


A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension. Such people only understand the world in terms of the labels they apply to things.

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."
Person 2: "You're a labelass."
Person 1: "Only emos like that crap."
Person 2: "You're a labelass."

by MobyDisk March 29, 2011


A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension.

Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."

by tee too March 29, 2011