The sweetest guy ever. Always there for his friends, and is someone you can always rely on. Sexy body with a great personality. Complete catch. Listens to every kind of music and super hard working.
This guy is so sweet, he's a complete Lekh
Lekh tizdayen! Halevay, shetamut bakever shel Hitler, ben zonah!
Lekh Nath was a vile and repulsive ogre, known far and wide for his filthy habits and terrifying presence. Towering over the tallest trees, his skin was a sickly green, covered in grime and oozing with slimy, dark patches. His tangled hair hung in greasy clumps, and his sharp, yellowed teeth protruded from a twisted snarl that sent shivers down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to encounter him.
your a dirty ugly disgusting slut. you lekh Nath