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A term for vagina, particularly prevalent in the panhandle area of Florida, usually in conjunction with "mended", which means "to engage in vigorous, violent sexual intercourse with".

I've definitely mended your mom's loney.

by Kevin's Mother January 27, 2011

26πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


1. Loney (v): To disgrace a football field/ mock the game of football as a legitimate sport...

2. To embarrass the human race as an intelligent species

3. To be the ABSOLUTE worst at something, no questions asked

1. What the hell kind of play was that?! He totally loneyed it!

2. Do me a favor... please don't loney this one.

3. Jesus hes a disgrace. He's the loney of the medical profession.

by Mike Martinez September 19, 2005

13πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Sara Loney

SHORT, Sara Loney is someone who is so short you can barely see her. Don't get her confused for a beetle, She might attack you with no remorse but is still awesome.

Woah man stop that's just Sara Loney not a beetle
Let's hang out with Sara Loney, hope we can find her though

by LINKDROWNED November 17, 2017

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Sara loney


Look at them they are so Sara Loney

by Linkdrowned989 November 16, 2017

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Another word for handsome or adorable

You are looking very Loney today

by Clyde_smith November 23, 2021




by Chica 2 November 25, 2021

Ben loney

A thick ass my that lives on the border. His ass is so fat the sound of them clapping causes people to go deaf. He has brown Curly hair make sure you watch out for him

Yo bro I can’t hear no more
You must of been near ben loneys asshole

by Pussyslayer900000 June 23, 2023