Source Code


To blow one's brains out because you're too much of An Hero (read: fukken coward) to provide for one's own children and too broke to "FLEE THE COUNTRY!"

Bonus Points awarded if those children one just abandoned were the products of using one's long-faded internet celebrity to groom and abuse women who deserved better than.

"did you hear about poor Jimmy's dad? Dude straight Lowtaxed himself after losing his shirt at the casino."

by forcefedmark November 12, 2021

19👍 2👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

1) Runs a popular humor website.

2) Is fucking hilarious.

3) Is a prominent figure online, who is both loathed and loved throughout the interweb.

4) Initiated a massive crusade against pedophile websites, resulting in an anti-pedophile web movement and hateful backlash from said pedos (because their sites got fuxxored :D)

Oh wai -

by Pfish March 31, 2004

277👍 167👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

A god among men.

Oh my Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka!

by ARGHAFA February 14, 2004

181👍 177👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

The owner and webmaster of somethingawful.com; the man who laid the foundation for all goons; the leader and trend setter for all Internet journalism.

He has brown hair, his car is black, has two dogs, likes to drink soda, and has this bad gas problem where he farts uncontrollably in the mornings after he wakes up and then, to cover his tracks, he kind of gives this disappointed look at his dogs, just in case somebody walks by and smells his gas.

Lowtax once wrote something on the Internet. It was funny.

by Jacket Joe April 22, 2005

103👍 98👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

Drama loving hypocrite faggot. Needs to take his 300 mental meds including Ritalin everyday to function properly.

Loves the yellowtail and his wife happens to be a fucking mongoloid.

Lowtax aka 'Taxi the Maxi' since he's always acting like he's on the rag

by elpintogrande April 29, 2005

195👍 250👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

Defender of the photoshop, hero in the War on Bad Photoshop...

Lowtax slew the fark out of him.

by dinnertimefun January 15, 2004

80👍 134👎

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka

He is the master. He is, Jeff K.

"I haev proofen my skills and HAX0RED XE ENTARTANMINT!!! "

by ryder livingston February 18, 2004

51👍 130👎