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Lazy bastards who sit around doing fuck all, generally living off their girlfriend/state/girlfriends parents.
Also known as 'thieving losers' or 'parasites'.

Thieving Loser Pikey Parasite Lyncher

by Dolegod2009 November 3, 2009

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Kit the Lyncher

A character from The Walking Dead comics who hangs minorities and protects the whites in a KKK group in the zombie apocalypse from Volume 17: Something To Fear

"See those those bodies in the trees?" "That is the work of Kit the Lyncher!"

by DoctorrNick December 8, 2014

broccoli lynchers

an alt-right cyber-terrorist organization originating from the minecraft server pvp.thearchon.net

The founders consist of Mossburgshotty11, Munchies and ASMaster who are all known alt-right minecraft players.

They enjoy terrorising kids on minecraft, raiding their bases with their tnt cannons.

"The Broccoli Lynchers hung my nan"
"The Broccoli Lynchers swatted my nan"
"The Broccoli Lynchers planted Broccoli in my yard"
"The Broccoli Lynchers are the best faction on amber"
"The Broccoli Lynchers DDoSed me"
"The Broccoli Lynchers hate blacks"

by 123sozloser December 16, 2019

lyncher mobile

An American made truck/SUV usually with more rust than metal and still manages to somehow stay on the road. This truck is also usually driven by a white overweight male who hates anything foreign including Mexicans, Blacks, anything Japanese on the road. Items found in the trunk include rope, unidentifiable stains, some type of firearm, and occasionally a bag of lime.

The lyncher mobile is much every Ranger, S10, Bronco, F-150, Surbaban, Dakota, that fits that description. Its owners are pretty much always like this:

Jimbob: Just done got me a new Bronco with only sven inches a rust on er. Better go break er' in...

Jemedia: Well wer best ta go git them colored fokes befores them find out wha we got an trys to steal it!

by this guy over here August 8, 2007

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Furry Lynchers

A movement that beheads furries simply for their existence. We believe that we must stop furries before they invade the world with their retarded costumes. Help us stop these faggots by harassing the shit out of a furry to the point they wanna commit suicide. Furries need to be gassed. If you see a furry, shoot them on sight.

Iā€™m with the Furry Lynchers

by xXNigSlayerXx October 30, 2019

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"Lyncher is like an old, senile Batman wannabe, who's so weak he can barely lift a 5kg dumbbell, let alone fight crime in Gotham. He probably spends his days yelling at pigeons to 'stay away from the bat signal' while struggling to open his own jars of prune juice."

Did you hear papa acted like a complete Lyncher last night at the neighbours!

by TheSignificantOne January 29, 2023