A Nicky Poo lover who loves wet rats. She swim swims for fun and splash splashes in de ghetto. She's a wet rat herself, and she's in love with a rat too. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND
The hottest Nicky Poo lover you'll ever meet. She's so so so SO scrumdiddlyumptious, would smash. Yummy yummy in my tummy. Don'tcha just love Meagkhann??? Delish!
I freaking LOVE Meagkhann, my favorite human delicacy.
She's sooo scrumdiddlyumptious, the hottest Nicky Poo lover you'll ever meet. Would smash. Yummy yummy in my tummy, she definitely wouldn't flimflam. She hates making a brouhaha, you can trust her. DELISH! And comes with complementary pantaloons! But she trou you... Anywhooo she'll hit you up with RAD digits!
"Don'tcha just wanna eat Meagkhann up?! No literally... I'd eat her"
A girlllie girly girl gworl gurl. She lovessss Nicky Poo and his poos. She'd jump a wet rat any day of the week except Tuesday. She's a walnut girl with a thing for walruses. Walrus, Belarus, pompous, piss, anything really. Sometimes, she just wants to take buzzfeed quizzes. Other times, she feels a need to spread awareness, crying out, "Don'd do dat!". She went to Abracadabra Barabara's Rhubarb Bar on Tuesdays, that's why she isn't jumping the wet rat. Anywhooo it'd be pretty rad if you could hit her up with those digits.
Mmm mmm mmm that girl looks like a scrumdiddlyumptious Meagkhann!!!