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Acronym : Massively Multiplayer Online Game

Man, i so totally roXORd all those fools in that MMOG

by fuglett June 17, 2003

49👍 24👎


Massively Multiplayer Online Game. A game in which people usually pay a monthly fee to game in an online universe.

My character pwns all the n00bs in City of Heros.

Ultima Online is dead.

by Ramsey September 19, 2004

22👍 15👎


Gameplay that takes over your entire life and being

Lots of examples of people ignoring loved ones over MMOG or MMORPG, letting children or pets rot from lack of love and attention, not even caring for their own selves as this type of gameplay makes you think you must continue further always for that next fairy or the next gem. Before some other gameplayer claims it for their own! OMG!! OMG!!

by LeahLoveBug April 7, 2011

2👍 2👎