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MTV Rocks

Bullshit you can expect to here from todays youth. MTV is a whore and watever crappy musician pays the most to get on instantly becomes the next big thing with the retarded kids.


by therealfezmania August 1, 2005

303👍 144👎

MTV Rocks

MTV is the only thing we true music fans have left nowadays. Music however is being destroyed by 'posers' (A word I don't understand the meaning of but I like to use to insult people I don't like.) I was in a chatroom with my mate, Dave, talking about how wicked that new Chingy video was , yeah. Then this twat told us to get off the Classical music forum and go on the rap forum. I told that fucker straight
"Rap is classic and will always be remembered as the greatest music ever!"
He then asked if I have heard any other genres of music and I said
"No, I'm not a filthy gawth so I only listen to rap music."
He then said that if I was a true music fan I would look into all forms of music before making such a rash judgement, and get this, the cheeky twat even said that other forms of music exists outside of MTV. Of course I said
"If it isn't on MTV, it must be shit because no one likes it" and then he said that MTV was ruining music. MTV IS MUSIC. That is like saying Tony Blair is ruining England. Whoever this 'Jimi Hendrix' and this 'Pink Flyod' chap was, they both must have been shit rappers because I have never seen them on MTV. If you want music, please watch MTV. The rappers on their are creating art. Shit like Mozart only wanted the money so they just vomited out any old bollocks.

MTV is the greatest creation ever to ever be, ever.

by Real Gangsta in da House July 13, 2005

60👍 292👎

mtv rock the vote

mtv is the death of music just like political correctness is the death of comedy

fuck the world......

by ////`_`\\\\ kill hippies August 20, 2004

68👍 26👎

Mtv Rock The Vote

Democratic propaganda that was created by MTV and Viacom corporation. It leads stupid kids into voting Democrat without examining any details about either candidates because so many punk bands hate Bush.

If MTV has THAT much an influence on stupid teens, maybe I should convince them to tell them to kill themselves so there won't be anymore MTV fans around.

by nikkan_hanil August 17, 2004

61👍 27👎


Democratic party PROPAGANDA brought to you by the multi-billion-dollar Viacom corporation.

punkvoter.com is funded by Democrat billionaire George Soros!!

Moveon.org = funded by Soros

Michael Moore is a millionaire who makes propagandist crockumentaries for the far left.

Hollywood are all fuckin wealthy bastards who are using YOU!

Remember that the next time you're sucking your latte` at Starbucks bitching about the rich and big corporations you brainwashed leftwing retards.

Jello Biafra is Mtv's whore!!!!

by YOU buy into propaganda you ignorant little fucks!! August 16, 2004

99👍 48👎


the ONE and ONLY good thing to come from MTV since 1994.

mtv rock the vote may be liberal propaganda, but then again, liberals are usually right.

by king of canada September 10, 2006

24👍 63👎