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MAGA republicans

Republicans or conservatives who worship Donald Trump. The term MAGA (Make America Great Again) itself is a social campaign much like China's Great Leap Forward and instead of making America great, they made it into a shit show further dividing the country with hate and foolishness by believing anything Trump says.

"The MAGA republicans don't realize that they are in a cult movement and would drink the poison kool-aid if Donald Trump told them to."

by jiggysaw17 September 2, 2022

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MAGA Republican

A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.

ThIs MaGa rEpUbLiCaN iS lItErAlLy HiTlEr CuZ hE/sHe DoEsN'T wAnNa BaN mUh AsSaUlT wEaPoNs!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!

by MuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuh December 2, 2023

MAGA Republican

A term used by Democrats to basically describe any Republican they REALLY don't like.

OmG mUh MaGa RePuBlIcAnS aRe LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz ThEy DoN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!1111!!

by MuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuh December 2, 2023

MAGA Republican

A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.

ThIs MaGa RePuBlIcAn Is LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz He/sHe DoEsN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!!!!!!

by MuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuhMuh December 2, 2023