A common hebrew name drawn from the bible. The word itself means brook, spring or well.
The name given to a woman of strong character, incredible beauty, amazing passion and love for life. She is very shy at the beginning, but once you know her well, she will be as much as crazy as you! It's pronounced (Ma-a-yan). She will rock your world. Imagine everything you want and that is her. She is usually exotic with eyes full of life and mystery. One look and that's all it will take for you to fall under her spell. A lover of everything in this world from books, movies, food and life she will open your eyes never before imagined. If you find her, keep her!
Boy 1: Wow look at that girl, she’s gorgeous!
Boy 2: Dude that’s Maayan, she’s way out of your league.
Boy 1: * -_-*
42👍 1👎
This Hebrew name means spring of water . A beautiful person inside and out don’t get On her bad side or you will be living hell. She chooses her friends carefully and is one of the most loyal friends you could get. They don’t judge unless your asking for it.
27👍 2👎
Maayan is an absolute chad he’s super hot and the most talented person ever he is also an amazing lover and he’s Schwartz is huge
I wish it was like maayan
Maayan is my ideal
Maayan is the most beautiful girl on this planet. Probably in the universe. All the guys want Maayan and the girls want to be her. She is the smartest girl in school and when she walks down the hall, it's like the scene in mean girls- but it's the opposite because she's the nicest girl in school.
Girl: why is everyone turning around?
Guy: because Maayan just walked in!!
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Fortnite Highlight Editor and creator of content aware fill.
Did you just use the content aware fill effect on your highlight? You better credit Maayan.
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A long haired giga sligga on his way to whoville to smash little miss cindy lou into a wall and knock her out.
Maayan just hit cat with emphasis.
A Hebrew name meaning spring or brook. despite common misconceptions, this name is gender neutral, although in modern times it is primarily used as a feminine name.
That's Maayan, they're cool I guess