Is a romantic (anime) comedy based on a light novel series that has Comedy, Drama, Harem, *Magic* , Romance, School, elements within it . . .
Main Characters
Yuna Miyama
Rin Kamishiro
Kuriko Kazetsubaki
leading male role Kazuki Shikimori
personally i view it was exceptionally good but the people who reviewed it where either high # or low #
I say its one of my favorites. . . . (9.0) out (10) sadly like most great anime it is relatively short only 24 episodes with additional manga . . .
It's not perfect but i can look past its flaws and has a very strange ending might leave you confused or left hanging
Maburaho; the word does not really translate into anything in particular but similar syntax features suggest magic and love and or if your smart i say it means (mab ur a ho)
Juan:"Damn john you watch Maburaho before?"
John:"No i don't watch that shit"
Juan:"Even you will like this cause your sooooo PrEvertEd"
Juan:"I watch it cause its fucking funny and stupid at same time and maybe other things"(Grin on his face). . .
9👍 2👎
Is a romantic (anime) comedy based on a light novel series that has Comedy, Drama, Harem, *Magic* , Romance, School, elements within it . . .
Main Characters
Yuna Miyama
Rin Kamishiro
Kuriko Kazetsubaki
leading male role Kazuki Shikimori
personally i view it was exceptionally good but the people who reviewed it where either high # or low #
I say its one of my favorites. . . . (9.0) out (10) sadly like most great anime it is relatively short only 24 episodes with additional manga . . .
It's not perfect but i can look past its flaws and has a very strange ending might leave you confused or left hanging
Maburaho; the word does not really translate into anything in particular but similar syntax features suggest magic and love and or if your smart i say it means (mab ur a ho)
Juan:"Damn john you watch Maburaho before?"
John:"No i don't watch that shit"
Juan:"Even you will like this cause your sooooo PrEvertEd"
Juan:"I watch it cause its fucking funny and stupid at same time and maybe other things"(Grin on his face). . .